At last - much improved!
Natures initial Reader was a slap-dash concoction, but this one is thoughtfully produced. It downloads an issue of your choice and then presents you with a well organized Table of Contents. The content is accessed though that, by swiping left or right when in an article, or by tapping once when in an article, to reveal a banner of the contents at the top of the screen, and navigation and other tools along the sides.
A little surprising when by clicking on a reference you wind up on the website (but still inside the app). Would be better if all links that are to the same issue leave you within that issue. For instance, when reading a News & Views, going to the Article should not take you to the browser version, but to that page in the app.
Nice figure viewer, which includes captions, a real necessity sometimes. Also nice are the affiliation pop-ups.
The order of Research articles in the top banner seems to make no sense. It almost looks alphabetical by title, rather than in the order of the real Table of Contents, so that physical science is First and biology following.
All in all, a much needed improvement over the previous unusable addition.
Requires you to sign in to get all of the content that you are entitled to, and it handled that step just fine.
Science also has a nice Reader, so we finally have both journals with iPad-worthy viewers. Now if a subscription were available that allowed reasonably priced access though tablets, rather than requiring purchase of print as well.
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